How many times will you crash your car over your lifetime?
Statistically speaking, you can never be 100% safe from having a car crash, but there are so many factors involved that it’s tricky to draw even a rough estimate for most drivers. It’s possible to go decades without having one, and it’s equally possible for you to have several in a single year, if you’re really unlucky (or careless, we suppose!). The vast majority of the time, these accidents won’t be severe enough that you’d need to scrap your car – but even a minor fender bender isn’t welcome news for anyone! So… how many crashes are you likely to have? For obvious reasons, it’s difficult to say exactly. Your exact likelihood of being involved in a crash will depend vastly on your individual driving style, as well as how often, how long and where exactly you drive. There’s a lot of statistical analysis involved, but general estimates say that over the course of an average driving lifetime, you’ll be involved in around 3 to 4 accidents. That works out to an insurance clai...